Protect Our Winters (POW), the global nonprofit dedicated to fighting climate change on behalf of the winter sports community, and Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) have joined to mobilize the Canadian winter sports community and increase awareness about climate change.
To kick off the partnership, Protect Our Winters is launching a new membership drive for Canadians. For every dollar that is donated to POW from Canada, Mountain Equipment Co-op will match the donation dollar-to-dollar (max. $10,000 US).
The partnership will continue throughout 2013, with a focus on mobilizing the Canadian winter sports community in regards to Canadian climate policy action and grassroots activism. The partnership between Protect Our Winters and Mountain Equipment Co-op will encourage the collective power of the winter sports community to protect our natural spaces and support the environment for future generations to come.
“POW’s roots are in Canada. Jeremy Jones started POW because of what he saw while hiking to snow at a closed resort in BC in 2005. So, we’re very excited to be working with MEC and focusing our attention towards the Canadian winter sports community.
We truly appreciate MEC’s commitment to the environment and we’re looking forward to representing our many Canadian members and new ones in our fight against climate change,” said Chris Steinkamp, POW’s Executive Director.
MEC Director of Sustainability and Community Esther Speck said, “Keeping the snow in snowsports is what this partnership is all about. We are delighted to work with Protect Our Winters to engage our members and the wider outdoor community in the very real threat that climate change poses to winter recreation in Canada.”
Protect Our Winters is the environmental hub of the winter sports community, and Mountain Equipment Co-op’s 3.8 million members committed to environmental protection and other causes, will undoubtedly inspire Canada’s winter sports community to take action through grass-roots and policy-related activism. It’s time for everyone involved in the snow sports world to take responsibility to save the season that fuels passion for the not only the outdoors, but also the foundation for livelihoods, jobs and the economic vitality of all mountain regions.
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