Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Green Room - The Shred Industry's Environmental Database

The Green Room is the National Ski Areas Association's database of ski/snowboard area environmental programs and practices. Topics include Planning, Design, and Construction, Education and Outreach, and Operations. Visitors can browse resort info on water resources, energy conservation, waste management, and a number of other items. For example Alpine Meadows has done extensive lighting retrofits throughout the resort. They have replaced incandescent lighting with efficient compact fluorescent lights, reduced lighting where possible and replaced light switches with motion sensors to mitigate the amount of wasted energy when rooms are unoccupied. They have also done extensive research into the viability of the installation of photovoltaic arrays in order to use solar power to help negate the amount of "grid" electricity needed. Alpine is currently investigating additional funding for this project. These energy savings and clean energy projects help reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with global warming.

For more info on environmental programs and practices visit:

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